Monday, May 19, 2014

Virtual America Invades Virtual Denmark

Virtual America Invades Virtual Denmark

This interesting story tells about how the United States invaded Denmark, set it on fire after vandalizing the place, and raised the American flag, technically speaking.
Denmark had made a virtual replica of the actual country Denmark to use as a teaching tool to have students learn about Denmark’s geography.
Of course, proud American vandals decided to wreck havoc.
They snuck virtual dynamite (which is banned in the Danish server) into virtual Denmark and blew up parts of virtual Copenhagen. They also constructed American flags and made signs saying “AMERICA” on them.
The vandalism of virtual Denmark soon became viral.
Denmark had successfully rebuilt virtual Denmark, but only after pictures were posted on the Minecraft forum.

I found it interesting because America chose a popular game (and one of my favorites) to invade a virtual country through.
I think that it is odd that people chose virtual Denmark to invade. I get that Denmark has a virtual world that could easily catch on fire, but I think it would be more costly to invade the actual country. I guess the vandals thought that it would be easier to invade the virtual server instead.

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