Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Niwa's auto plant growing machine

This story was about a machine that basically grows plants for you.  I thought it was a pretty cool thing because when I try to grow plants they reach little big and stop  growing.  plus this machine can go in your house and its really easy to grow them you can use your phone to grow them just click a button to control the lights and temperature.  The app helps you understand what the cycles.  You can grow a variety of choices like juicy strawberry and grapes.  The machine automatically waters the plants for you so you dont have to remember.  even though the machine doesn't do everything for you cause all the little things it needs make it easy to do.  this machine makes growing plants fun and easy.

I picked this story because i thought it was cool that we don't have to do all that hard work anymore to get fresh picked healthy fruits and vegetables.  also I thought it was cool because you can control it anywhere you are even at work.

for further information i got this link from:

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