Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Drinkable book

The Drinkable book is made ​​for the people who have contaminated and dirty unsafe water. On each of the pages in the book are water safety tips in various languages. Each book comes packaged in a 3D printed box, Which converts into a filtration tray. When you tear out one of the pages and slip it into the tray you can use it to filter water. Each page is coated with silver nanoparticles, as you pour the water over the paper it kills the bacteria, the water comes out That is perfectly safe to drink. I found this story interesting because i think its a really cool idea and helpful. Its very helpful Because there are a lot of people suffering from  diseases do to drinking unsafe water. Also its cool Because its a brilliant and creative idea! { To read more about this story visit this website below} 

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