Thursday, May 15, 2014

FDA Approves Bionic Arm

Recently the FDA approved a Star Wars themed bionic arm. This prosthetic arm, can detect electrical signals from the surrounding muscle to actually know how you want to move the arm. "Luke", name after Luke Skywalker, can preform delicate tasks such as zipping a zipper, unlocking a lock with a key, and handling an egg without breaking it. This is a battery arm is ruffly the size and weight of a regular arm, and may allow some people to perform more difficult tasks than they could with a different prostheses.  This bionic arm must be fitted in the mid upper, and lower arm, and it can't configured to someone amputated at the wrist and elbow.

This article caught my eye because this was a amazing technology break through. If there is anyone out there with an amputated arm now you are aware that you have different options,  this bionic arm could change the way you live your life drastically.

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