Monday, May 19, 2014
The New drone Has caused Some dangers
There is a new drone that you can use from your phone to fly around, and you could get it for as little as $60. But for $299 you can use the camera on the drone to see what the camera sees on your phone. More popular ones for videographers start at $479 because they have better range and the camera is clearer.
Some dangers are that its a whole new way to invade others privacy. Someone could easily spy over a fence of a neighbor's. But some benefits are that they can gather news. Drones gathered some of the the best data of the protests in kiev, thailand, and venezuela. Farmers can use them to get pictures of their crops, or people can use them for wildlife. In some places they don’t allow Drones to go higher than 400 feet.
I found this interesting because this could help farmers, and many other things. They are cheaper than other drones, so that will get more people to buy.
Virtual America Invades Virtual Denmark
Virtual America Invades Virtual Denmark
This interesting story tells about how the United States invaded Denmark, set it on fire after vandalizing the place, and raised the American flag, technically speaking.
Denmark had made a virtual replica of the actual country Denmark to use as a teaching tool to have students learn about Denmark’s geography.
Of course, proud American vandals decided to wreck havoc.
They snuck virtual dynamite (which is banned in the Danish server) into virtual Denmark and blew up parts of virtual Copenhagen. They also constructed American flags and made signs saying “AMERICA” on them.
The vandalism of virtual Denmark soon became viral.
Denmark had successfully rebuilt virtual Denmark, but only after pictures were posted on the Minecraft forum.
I found it interesting because America chose a popular game (and one of my favorites) to invade a virtual country through.
I think that it is odd that people chose virtual Denmark to invade. I get that Denmark has a virtual world that could easily catch on fire, but I think it would be more costly to invade the actual country. I guess the vandals thought that it would be easier to invade the virtual server instead.
Parrot's new Bebop drone takes flight with HD video
In San Francisco, on Sunday a new drone was made by a drone maker Parrot. Bebop, is able to fly through an app on an Apple or Android tablet and smartphone. Quote: “The French company's new Bebop drone sports full HD video and cutting-edge image stabilization with a wide-angle 180-degree view.” The difference between all the other drones is that Bebop is that it holds a 4 megapixel fish-eye lens, you control it on your device by using several on-board sensors, but it only weighs 1 pound. They call this the flying camera. Sadly the battery life on Bebop is only up to 12 min..
The reason why I chose this article is that I have always found drones cool, so when it said that they had made a new one I just couldn’t resist. It turns out that it was much more techy than all the others. I know my brother will LOVE this!!!
If you want to learn more about this go to
7 Things You Didn’t Know Siri Could Do for You
Siri could open your apps for you, to open it you could say open calendar or launch calculator. It can also change your settings, you could say turn off wifi or turn on bluetooth. It reads your full emails to you, if you say read my latest email it will read aloud to you. Siri could search and play music for you. It can find your friends,search movie facts, or post twitter or facebook.
I thought this was interesting because i didn’t know that siri could do all of this.
I found this on Yahoo tech
Friday, May 16, 2014
Listen on Repeat
If you are using Youtube, here’s an easy way to put a video on repeat, this is an awesome tool called “Listen on Repeat”. All you have to do is just replace the “youtube” part of the URL with “listenonrepeat”, and then the video will play over and over again. And you can also see a story about this video under the video you are watching.
I found this story of interests because I have some favorite songs, I always watch them on youtube, but I always have to press the replay button and this story tells me an easy way to put videos on repeat.
"Deleting" Snapchats
I read an article about how Snapchat claims that after a snapchat is closed, it is gone, wrong. Apparently, when a snapchat is “deleted” it is actually still there. “It looks like its gone,” Nico Sell told the FTC . "If you don't understand the underlying technology of the Internet, and aren't thinking about what is going on behind the scenes, it looks like it disappeared." But most Instagram snaps or Facebooks post, just like Snapchat, are still lurking out there on the internet. In addition, the FTC said Snapchat’s app stored video snaps that were not converted on the person’s device. The videos remained accessible to the recipient the agency said. A user could access a video message, even after it supposedly disappeared.
I found this article interesting because my friends and I use this app to send pictures to each other, and I always thought that it was gone and disappeared after they opened it.
I found this article on:
I found this article interesting because my friends and I use this app to send pictures to each other, and I always thought that it was gone and disappeared after they opened it.
I found this article on:
Google Glass Keyboard
Google Glass is now making a keyboard for texting on the glasses instead of talking to it. The keyboard would pop up on the screen when you want to send a text, then you would be able to tap the letters that you want with you fingers. The keyboard would show up on anything you look at; for example, if you looked at your arm, the keyboard would show up there, then you could tap your arm in the place that the keys show up.
I think that the Google Glass is very cool. And now it’s even better because they have a keyboard that you can type on. It’s so amazing how you can just tap anywhere that you are looking at and it would know what word you are typing. I think the new Google Glass Keyboard is awesome.
I found this article on:
I think that the Google Glass is very cool. And now it’s even better because they have a keyboard that you can type on. It’s so amazing how you can just tap anywhere that you are looking at and it would know what word you are typing. I think the new Google Glass Keyboard is awesome.
I found this article on:
30 Things Mark Zuckerberg Accomplished Before His 30 Birthday
Mark Zuckerberg accomplished many things before his 30th birthday. He already is rich, has a wife, and he created a major networking thing called facebook. He even has starred in a movie and an episode of “The Simpsons”. He has done so many other great things such as, changed the world by making facebook in a Harvard dorm room. By making Facebook he, connected long lost relatives, changed the way we take photos now, and couples can decide if they want their relationship “Facebook Official” and let is open up in an electronic way. Mark Zuckerberg just had his 30th birthday and he has, and will do, many great things.
My mom and some of my friends have a Facebook account. They don’t like their accounts so I thought it would be interesting to find who made Facebook and what he did.
Xbox One Price Goes Down
Microsoft is selling xbox ones for $399 without a kinect included. Customers can put pre orders on now for this xbox. This console will come out on June 9. The Play Station four has outsold the xbox one by a lot so dropping the prices might raise sales, but the play station hasn’t taken anything out of their console and the prices now both are $399.
I think this is a great idea to drop the prices so the sales will go up. I think they shouldn’t of taken anything out of it if it was worth the $499 it would of sold.
The website for this article is
The new kittyo toy and app is making it’s way in. It was created to be used when your not home and the cats all alone. It has a speaker so you can talk to your cat,and a camera so you can see and watch your cat. It also has a feeder so you can feed your cat when it gets hungry, and a laser that you can move around on your screen!
I found this story interesting because I have a cat, and when we are at school it’s so lonely and my mom is normally at work. I think this would be very helpful for most families.
I found this article on:
I found this story interesting because I have a cat, and when we are at school it’s so lonely and my mom is normally at work. I think this would be very helpful for most families.
I found this article on:
The Drinkable Book
The Drinkable Book is a way to fix a huge world problem. The problem is that people aren’t able to drink clean and safe water. The Drinkable Book has tips on how to keep your water and it’s source clean. Its also a filter for contaminated water or any water you want to make sure is safe to drink. The paper is technologically advanced filter paper that reduces greater than 99.9% of bacteria in water and kills deadly waterborne diseases. It only costs pennies to make and is very easy to use. Each filter gives up to 30 days of filtered water and each book gives up to 4 years of clean water.
I chose this article because its a great solution for unsafe water and I think the Drinkable Book can change the world.
Xbox Without Kinect
Microsoft has decreased the price of its Xbox One console and is offering the device without the Kinect motion-control system. Beginning on June 9, Microsoft will offer the Xbox One for $399 in all markets where it's sold a $100 price cut from the bundled version with Kinect. Customers can place preorders now.
Apple is willing to buy Beats
Apple might buy Beats. An interesting story heats up when apple is prepared to buy Beats with $3.2 billion. If this deal goes through it could be lethal to other companies like Pandora and Skullcandy. This is good news for Dr. Dre since he would be the first billionaire in hip-hop. This also would be good for Apple users if Apple puts beats sound into the Iphone.
I chose this story because Beats interest me and I think it is interesting that Google is willing to give Beats $3.2 billion.
To see more about this story visit
I chose this story because Beats interest me and I think it is interesting that Google is willing to give Beats $3.2 billion.
To see more about this story visit
The BAT Turbine
The BAT, an airborne wind turbine, is 35 feet wide and looks like a giant doughnut with wings. The three spinning blades turn wind into electricity. The BAT stands for buoyant airborne turbine. The turbine is popular in California, Texas, and Europe. It flies about 1,000 feet above ground. The BAT could lower costs for heating and air conditioning, power refrigerators so food won’t spoil, and pump clean water so diseases from water can’t spread. Even cell phone communication is possible. The spinning blades are not a threat to birds and bats because animals can’t fly as high as the turbines. During harsh weather, the BAT can reel itself down.
I chose this article because the is a very interesting device that doesn’t affect wildlife and creates electricity.
I chose this article because the is a very interesting device that doesn’t affect wildlife and creates electricity.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Scared of spiders? app helps people battle Arachnophobia
They are creating a app that helps your fear of spiders. It usually takes about 4 hours to cure their fear of spiders. The app costs 3.99 on the app store. It also helps fear of flight and fear of crowds.
I chose this article because I am scared of spider and its helps people get over their fear.
What Really Happens to Your Deleted Internet Messages and Photos
The popular app “Snapchat” has admitted that snaps that are said to have disappeared really are saved to a server. Not only did Snapchat lie about deleting the pictures, they have been stealing users’ private information. What everyone should remember and learn from this story is that everything on the internet − even snaps − are permanent. If you are not comfortable with the whole world seeing it, do not post it. The FTC says that Snapchat “Deceived users.” Users were not informed that the pictures would not completely disappear. Even so, users should use common sense on what to send, even if they thought would be deleted.
I found this article interesting because I have always been told not to post anything (even privately) that I would not want anyone and everyone to see. This is a perfect example of why.
Netflix Raising Subscription Price
I found this story interesting because in order to keep streaming recent shows on Netflix, the company has to raise the price for subscriptions.
Snapchat Privacy Lies
I read a story about the privacy/safety of a popular app called Snapchat. Snapchat is an app where you send your friends a picture and after a short amount of time it supposedly erases itself. However there are now claims coming out that the pictures don’t just disappear. The one thing is that the person you send it to can take a “screenshot” and save the photo to their camera roll. Another thing is that there are now apps that have been released that save all of your snapchats for you. The Federal Trade Commission is now saying if they don’t see change they will fine Snapchat.
This is very interesting to me because I use Snapchat and many of my friends also use the app, and I know that we all thought those snapchats were disappearing.
To read more on this topic visit:
This is very interesting to me because I use Snapchat and many of my friends also use the app, and I know that we all thought those snapchats were disappearing.
To read more on this topic visit:
Kill Switches
Kill Switches
I think kill switch is a good idea! One out of ten peoples phones are stolen if they had kill switches the thieves would not be able to use them. Also if the thieves couldn't use them they would eventually stop trying.
I think the story was interesting because my friends brothers iphone was stolen and I was interested what happened to it.
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I think kill switch is a good idea! One out of ten peoples phones are stolen if they had kill switches the thieves would not be able to use them. Also if the thieves couldn't use them they would eventually stop trying.
I think the story was interesting because my friends brothers iphone was stolen and I was interested what happened to it.
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South Korea Ferry Disaster
South Korea Ferry Disaster
The captain and three other members of the crew had escaped a ferry which was sinking and had been charged of murder. They specifically told the passengers to not move because it would be dangerous. While the passengers were scared to death the captain took his crew and escaped when he could have saved all the passengers lives and all could have been safe. 281 people have been confirmed dead when over 10 crew members got out alive because the captain told them to quickly abort ship. 23 people are still missing. The prosecutors are still deciding the fate of the crew members and the captains.
The reason I chose this is because I hate riding on boats out to sea. I just feel like anything could happen on the sea. Just like how the passengers didn't expect the ship to completely flip over and sink. I just thought that it was so sad how so many lives were taken all because of 1 captain. I never wanted to go fishing with my uncle out on sea because I was afraid of sharks and huge whales and much more.
The Problem with Snapchat
People think when you send a friend a picture on Snapchat that it would disappear. Even if the picture disappears, the people could still take a screenshot of that picture and send it to everyone. Experts say that if you delete a Snapchat picture it is still somewhere in that server. Snapchat was secretly collecting private information from users through it’s “Find Friends.”
I found this story interesting because many people use Snapchat in our school district.
I found this story on abc news,
I found this story interesting because many people use Snapchat in our school district.
I found this story on abc news,
Current event story
I watched a video about how Snapchat was in trouble after taking personal information from their users. It was also about how when teens take pictures it usually deletes after seconds of opening it but the problem was those pictures were still in Snapchat’s server. Snapchat has settled a false claim charge with the FTC. I found because it was the first video in the video section.
Current event story
I watched a video about how Snapchat was in trouble after taking personal information from their users. It was also about how when teens take pictures it usually deletes after seconds of opening it but the problem was those pictures were still in Snapchat’s server. Snapchat has settled a false claim charge with the FTC. I found because it was the first video in the video section.
No Drones Allowed at Yosemite
On Friday, May ninth, Yosemite National Park said that drones were no longer allowed on the premises. Many people are bringing in drones to film views such as waterfalls. There has been an increase in drones over the years. A downside to having drones in the park is that the drones make loud noise and that is ruining the experience for the visitors. The drones are also interfering with rescue operations. Drones are becoming too common so they might have too much footage of the park. The drones will not be able to retrieve things or people unless there is an emergency involving public safety.
I would think that drones are a good thing because they can advertise the views online and the visitors would want to see them in real life. Drones can also be very helpful; they can go places that are too dangerous for humans.This article interested me because I have heard about drones at national parks before but I never thought that they would be banned. Drones will be banned at 58 national parks across the nation.
I would think that drones are a good thing because they can advertise the views online and the visitors would want to see them in real life. Drones can also be very helpful; they can go places that are too dangerous for humans.This article interested me because I have heard about drones at national parks before but I never thought that they would be banned. Drones will be banned at 58 national parks across the nation.
New Drone Can be Controlled From iPad
Parrot's new drone takes flight with HD video
Bebop just made a new drone that can be seen from an ipad. This is the first HD camera drone that can be controllable from your ipad. The device connecting to the iPad can control about everything you need. The drone is very hiTech and versatile.
I chose this because i like gadgets and flying stuff. I also chose this because I think its cool to be able to control something from your ipad.
Bebop just made a new drone that can be seen from an ipad. This is the first HD camera drone that can be controllable from your ipad. The device connecting to the iPad can control about everything you need. The drone is very hiTech and versatile.
I chose this because i like gadgets and flying stuff. I also chose this because I think its cool to be able to control something from your ipad.
Virtual Denmark Attacked by Virtual Americans
One story I found interesting was that cyber vandals blew up virtual Denmark and raised american flags and writing America and ‘Merica all over the place. The vandals got on to a server on the acclaimed game Minecraft and blew up TNT. The server banned the TNT but Minecraft has TNT on minecarts that the vandals used to blow up a fair bit of a city. Thankfully no one was hurt or killed in virtual Denmark. The government of Denmark paid pro Minecraft builders to build Denmark so they could use it in schools to teach their geography. There was very little cleanup because they only blew up part of a city.
I found this story interesting because I play minecraft and it is very interesting way to teach geography. I also play on many minecraft servers where people have hacked the server to get what they want like winning a game, or getting server money.
I found this story at CNN---->
I found this story interesting because I play minecraft and it is very interesting way to teach geography. I also play on many minecraft servers where people have hacked the server to get what they want like winning a game, or getting server money.
I found this story at CNN---->
Rumor of iPhone 6 Date Release
According to Taiwan’s Economic Daily News the iPhone 6 date release will be in August. Apple is going to make the screen 4.7 inches with a 5.5 inch “phablet” following in September. In recent studies the Asian phone market prefers phones with bigger screens such as the Samsung Galaxy Note. The 5 and 5s came with a 4 inch screen so now Apple is trying to compete with Samsung in order to get more customers from the Asian market to buy Apple products.
I found this story interesting because I think Apple’s sales in America will go down but they will go up in Asia.
I found this story at the website
Xbox one without kinect $399
The price of the new one xbox Has Been slashed by almost ⅕. This is Because they started selling it without the kinect. This is Because so many people already have it. They also wanted to level the ps4 with the price at $ 399. Also the xbox live accounts do not require access to apps like Netflix and hulu plus.
Galaxy S5 is very Cheap
current event
i watched a video on the cost to build the samsung galaxy s5. the galaxy s5 only costs $205 dollars to build just a bit more than the s4. customers have also been complaining about a bad faulty camera the camera only cost $17.
I thought this story was interesting because i just now think that samsung is cheap. i also thought it is bad for people to pay more for less.
i watched a video on the cost to build the samsung galaxy s5. the galaxy s5 only costs $205 dollars to build just a bit more than the s4. customers have also been complaining about a bad faulty camera the camera only cost $17.
I thought this story was interesting because i just now think that samsung is cheap. i also thought it is bad for people to pay more for less.
Arming ATMs
Arming ATMs
Banks have armed ATMs. They have taken the idea from the bombardier beetle. The beetle has a chemical inside it’s body that it can spray at people. The chemicals have the ability to burn your skin. Scientists put hydrogen peroxide and manganese together. They are separated by a lacquer.If you break the lacquer you will get the reaction. They could also make the machine foam if somebody begins tampering.
I chose this story because I found it very interesting that they are considering giving ATMs so much power. I also chose this so I could follow up on other stories if something went wrong.

The iPhone 6 Is Coming This August
The iPhone 6 is supposed to come out a month or two earlier than expected. The last three iPhones were released in September and October. Apple might be speeding up the release because of competition with Samsung. It may not be true. The iWatch is predicted to come out later this year, too.
I was interested in this article because I have an iPhone 5c and I wanted to know about it.
I found the article at:
I was interested in this article because I have an iPhone 5c and I wanted to know about it.
I found the article at:
Apple is Buying Beats Electronics
The article that I read was about how Apple is leaning towards buying Beats Electronics. This company is currently owned by Andre Young, or more commonly known as Dr. Dre. The deal that they are discussing is for a whopping 3.2 billion dollars. Beats biggest products are headphones speakers and biggest of all the music streaming service. Currently about 800 million people have a beats music streaming account and that could only grow if Beats Electronics were bought by Apple. If this deal goes through it would make him the most wealthy man in the Hip-Hop culture.
I chose to do this article as my current event because Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world and Beats Electronics are pretty big too, when I saw that Apple might buy them for 3.2 billion dollars it was eye popping. After all this article was pretty cool and it just proves how powerful Apple really is.
To Read More On This Article Visit Here
I chose to do this article as my current event because Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world and Beats Electronics are pretty big too, when I saw that Apple might buy them for 3.2 billion dollars it was eye popping. After all this article was pretty cool and it just proves how powerful Apple really is.
To Read More On This Article Visit Here
Apple + Beats
Apple + Beats
By Emilea Suplick
Late Thursday, it was reported that Apple is reportedly close to buying headphone maker Beats. A $3.2 billion deal is in the making for Apple to buy beats electronics. The tech giant, Apple, could incorporate Beats research into "smart headphones". Apple’s earphone have received criticisms of giving of bad sound. If Apple paired with Beats, who have received similar criticisms, it is questioned how it would help Apple’s problem.
This story is interesting to me because it gives an inside look of Apple’s thinking and deal making. I find it cool to be able to know the advances Apple has made in business.
CNN News
By Emilea Suplick
Late Thursday, it was reported that Apple is reportedly close to buying headphone maker Beats. A $3.2 billion deal is in the making for Apple to buy beats electronics. The tech giant, Apple, could incorporate Beats research into "smart headphones". Apple’s earphone have received criticisms of giving of bad sound. If Apple paired with Beats, who have received similar criticisms, it is questioned how it would help Apple’s problem.
This story is interesting to me because it gives an inside look of Apple’s thinking and deal making. I find it cool to be able to know the advances Apple has made in business.
CNN News
My article was about cutdown on electronic time. Electronics cause [if used too much] illness such as…
Insomnia, attention disorders etc. The article listed 5 ways to get away from electronics. They are…
1. Create a contract-Collaborate on guidelines
2. Establish tech free zones-Breaks from electronics
3. Choose your screen carefully-Measuring screen time
4. Get active-Break out board games or play outside
5. Heal thyself-Breaking addiction to electronics
I found this article interesting because I play with my Kindle Fire too much and this showed some ideas how to stay away from devices.
My article was about cutdown on electronic time. Electronics cause [if used too much] illness such as…
Insomnia, attention disorders etc. The article listed 5 ways to get away from electronics. They are…
1. Create a contract-Collaborate on guidelines
2. Establish tech free zones-Breaks from electronics
3. Choose your screen carefully-Measuring screen time
4. Get active-Break out board games or play outside
5. Heal thyself-Breaking addiction to electronics
I found this article interesting because I play with my Kindle Fire too much and this showed some ideas how to stay away from devices.
Snapchats Privacy
The article I read was about how Snapchat lied about its privacy with its pictures and now is charged with FTC. The maker of the app had made the FTC charges and said that Snapchat was secretly spying on its users photos. When you send a photo on Snapchat it has a timer, which you can set for a maximum of 10 seconds, but people can screen shot the picture and save it. The company of Snapchat also stated that when videos “disappear” they don't actually disappear they are kept on phones where people can just plug it in and watch and see the photos and videos you have sent. Snapchat also gathers info about its customers followed and Androids every moved and downloaded an iPhones contact list in secret.
I found this article interesting because I use Snapchat to talk to my friends. I always thought that once I sent the photo and it disappeared it was gone forever. Also Snapchat added a texting/messaging feature and it could be shared with not only the person you're sending it to but Snapchat could save it and have it forever.
CNN News
FDA Approves Bionic Arm
Recently the FDA approved a Star Wars themed bionic arm. This prosthetic arm, can detect electrical signals from the surrounding muscle to actually know how you want to move the arm. "Luke", name after Luke Skywalker, can preform delicate tasks such as zipping a zipper, unlocking a lock with a key, and handling an egg without breaking it. This is a battery arm is ruffly the size and weight of a regular arm, and may allow some people to perform more difficult tasks than they could with a different prostheses. This bionic arm must be fitted in the mid upper, and lower arm, and it can't configured to someone amputated at the wrist and elbow.
This article caught my eye because this was a amazing technology break through. If there is anyone out there with an amputated arm now you are aware that you have different options, this bionic arm could change the way you live your life drastically.
This article caught my eye because this was a amazing technology break through. If there is anyone out there with an amputated arm now you are aware that you have different options, this bionic arm could change the way you live your life drastically.
Solar-Powered Road
In the mid-1960s, Scott Brusaw set up miniature speedways in the living room to race his cars. Scott grew up to become an electrical engineer and while working as an engineer, he thought maybe they can make electric roads so kids could drive too. In mid-2000s, during the debate over global warming, Scott's wife, Julie, thinks maybe he can build the electric roads made out of solar panels. Scott thinks that idea is crazy until he thinks is a great idea.
I think is a great idea for electric roads to be made out of solar panels. My dad works at a solar-power company and I think I can really relate to this article.
I think is a great idea for electric roads to be made out of solar panels. My dad works at a solar-power company and I think I can really relate to this article.
Noise Canceling Headphones
New headphones called AKG K323 XS block unwanted noise. The headphones use passive isolation to block outside noise. They are portable and they have four different ear sizes. They also come in white, blue, orange, yellow and green. The AKGs make music sound full and balanced without unwanted noise.I was interested in this story because I’ve been looking for new headphones and these caught my eye. I hate unwanted noise when I’m trying to listen to music but with the AKGs there’s nothing but my music.
To read more, go to
iPhone 6 Preview
Many people wonder what Apples next smartphone is going to be, many believe it will most likely be the iPhone 6. There has been many rumors on how and what the smartphone is going to look like. Analysts and sources claim that it will be a large iPhone model, likely with a 5-inch or larger screen, and also a smaller, possibly lower-end, device closer in size to the iPhone 5S. Though, Apple hasn't confirmed about making this new iPhone, many are guessing it will be called the iPhone 6 or maybe a different name. Reports have said that the World wide Developer's Conference most likely, won't get a new phone until the fall.
I chose this story because, it was very interesting and it had a lot of information about the next iPhone, which I'm very curious about. This also grabbed my attention about how they're updating this new smartphone, and they're making an even better smart phone than the last generation phones. I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THIS! Read it!
Snapchat Privacy Problem
The app Snapchat was trusted by thousands of users. The company itself was built off of the privacy the company was supposed to give. Turns out, your snaps might not be as private as you think. When you send a Snapchat you expect that it will go away forever after a certain amount of time. But with the option of screenshotting the snaps sent to you, there is a way of saving the picture forever. Snapchat is also secretly saving some of the images sent out, and is collecting information on the some users. It has also been monitoring some Android and Apple phones, such as taking their contacts, and tracking the apps on the phones. The company admitted it’s mistakes and is going to try to fulfill it’s promises that the company started off on.
Find more at:
I think this is interesting because of how many people use the app. If the app Snapchat is misusing it’s popularity, how do we know if other companies are misusing fame as well. Snapchat has said that it’s almost impossible to delete something from the internet, but they said they would try to keep records as hidden as possible. I think they're trying to fix the problem, and that counts as something.
Find more at:
I think this is interesting because of how many people use the app. If the app Snapchat is misusing it’s popularity, how do we know if other companies are misusing fame as well. Snapchat has said that it’s almost impossible to delete something from the internet, but they said they would try to keep records as hidden as possible. I think they're trying to fix the problem, and that counts as something.
The Leaf That Could Change The World
The Leaf That Could Change the World
My Article
With a couple inexpensive materials, you could produce two incredibly powerful substances, hydrogen and oxygen. Dr. Daniel Nocera created an artificial leaf, using very inexpensive materials, filled a tub of tap water, put the leaf in it, and shining it to the Sun. The water literally split apart and created both hydrogen and oxygen. This is an amazing breakthrough, one of the greatest of the century. We could create unlimited glass as long as we have enough water.
Why I chose it
I chose this because I am very interested in photosynthesis. The Artificial leaf does photosynthesis but produces 7 times the materials.
My Article
With a couple inexpensive materials, you could produce two incredibly powerful substances, hydrogen and oxygen. Dr. Daniel Nocera created an artificial leaf, using very inexpensive materials, filled a tub of tap water, put the leaf in it, and shining it to the Sun. The water literally split apart and created both hydrogen and oxygen. This is an amazing breakthrough, one of the greatest of the century. We could create unlimited glass as long as we have enough water.
Why I chose it
I chose this because I am very interested in photosynthesis. The Artificial leaf does photosynthesis but produces 7 times the materials.
The Drinkable Book
I found a fascinating story about an invention that could change the world forever! We all know that clean and pure water is a problem in parts of the world. The Water is Life charity, with the help of DDB North America, have created a wonderful device. Calling the apparatus The Drinkable Book, it mixes all kinds of technology together. Each of its pages can be teared out, and on each page there are water safety tips. The tips are in all types of languages, from English to Swahili. Each book comes with a 3D box, which can be converted into a a filtration tray. Once you tear off a page of the book, you can put it in the tray and make a water filter. This book will be given to many people around the world, and more people around the world will have cleaner water. This invention will change the lives of many people.
I found this article very interesting because I love science. I was curious of how a book could be drinkable, and how it would affect people around the country and the world. It was also really different from other articles, which made it stick out.
Exoskeleton Can Help Paraplegics Walk
A new technology for paraplegics is now. Test pilot Paul Thacker has been a paraplegic for almost a year. He wants this new technology to be apart of his life. The exoskeleton helps you stand up, but you just have to balance. Paul took his first steps in almost a year. This a new technology that is going to be coming out soon. The physical exertion from this exoskeleton is not a lot. Many people expect for this exoskeleton to replace their wheelchairs.
I picked this story because this looks very innovative and cool. This can help a lot of people rendered helpless when it comes to walking around on an everyday basis.
Found on:
I picked this story because this looks very innovative and cool. This can help a lot of people rendered helpless when it comes to walking around on an everyday basis.
Found on:
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Apple has sealed the deal and they bought Beats for 3.2 billion dollars. The maker of Beats was having celebrations. I think this one is interesting because I thought that google wants to be different.Also I think that Apple can make a lot more money by using beats maybe they might even put Beats speakers in the iphone.
I got this current event from
Apple Beats Deal?
Reports over the last week claim that Apple would like to buy Beats Headphones for 3.2billion dollars. Google is a 160 billion dollar company,so they could buy 50 Beats type companies. Dr. Dre, the founder of Beats, would become the first 1 billion dollar artist if the deal is made. Other companies such as, Pandora and Spotify are worried that their business will be affected if the deal is made. This story was interesting because I am familiar with Beats headphones and Apple. I am surprised they are talking about a deal because i didn’t think Apple would want to go in with a different company when they have itunes.
I found this interesting because i enjoy listening to music, and have seen all the commercials for beats headphones with Richard Sherman and Colin Kaepernick. Also I am familiar with Beats headphones because I want them for myself.
Is Beats a mistake for Apple? No diggity!
I found this interesting because i enjoy listening to music, and have seen all the commercials for beats headphones with Richard Sherman and Colin Kaepernick. Also I am familiar with Beats headphones because I want them for myself.
Read more about this topic by clicking on the link below
Is Beats a mistake for Apple? No diggity!
Apple buys Beats!
The company Apple has bought the product Beats from Dr. Dre for 3.2 billion dollars. This makes Dr. Dre the first billionaire in hip-hop, of course this is what he said. Many people are frightened that Apple buying Beats would destroy their company and make them go bankrupt and people would forget about them.
Invention of Printable Makeup
Grace Choi, a student at Harvard Business School, has invented something called Mink. Mink is a 3D desktop printer that allows users to choose any colors and then print their own makeup- eyeshadow, blush, or lip gloss. It prints using the same ink as the printer at home. Choi is planning to disrupt other makeup companies by selling Mink to the younger crowd of people. She believes that soon technology will be the biggest beauty store ever.
This interests me because:
This story interests me because I would never even begin to believe that it was possible to print makeup. I think that a lot of people will buy this and that it is a very smart idea. Mink interests me because I wonder if it really works. When it comes out, I would like to try it. It seems interesting.
I found this story at:
Grace Choi, a student at Harvard Business School, has invented something called Mink. Mink is a 3D desktop printer that allows users to choose any colors and then print their own makeup- eyeshadow, blush, or lip gloss. It prints using the same ink as the printer at home. Choi is planning to disrupt other makeup companies by selling Mink to the younger crowd of people. She believes that soon technology will be the biggest beauty store ever.
This interests me because:
This story interests me because I would never even begin to believe that it was possible to print makeup. I think that a lot of people will buy this and that it is a very smart idea. Mink interests me because I wonder if it really works. When it comes out, I would like to try it. It seems interesting.
I found this story at:
Apple Might Buy Beats
This story was about how Apple could buy Beats electronics for 3.2 billion dollars. This would be Apple’s largest purchase. The deal is not done, and its not public either. Beats is founded by the rapper Dr. Dre. It is not clear which part of Beats Apple will choose.
I think this is an interesting article because I have Beats headphones and I want to know if Apple buys them and what they will buy. The headphones, Beats music?
I found this article on yahoo at
North Korean drones in South Korea
I am doing my current events on North Korea launching drones at South Korea. I think it is interesting because the North Koreans are ramping up their nuclear missile program now and they used the drones to get pictures of military targets close to the border and that is confirmed by the South Koreans saying the drones were short-ranged. Tech experts say the drones closely resembled toys in a hobby store, but people say they could have much more potential as spotters for nuclear missiles.
I choose this story because it sounded really interesting and I am interested in this stuff. To find out more go to
I choose this story because it sounded really interesting and I am interested in this stuff. To find out more go to
The 3.2 billion dollar deal
Apple is buying Beats by Dre for 3.2 Billion dollars. Why would they? You are asking its because Apple needs street credit since there sales have gone down. Their iTunes sale has gone down since people have been buying and listening to music off of Spotify. They tried to come back with iTunes radio but its just not working. More than 60 percent of people own a smartphone and Apple sales on phone has gone down a lot. This Could be the deal That brings them back to the top.
I found the story interesting Because why would Apple buy Beats for that much. I know Beats are good but for 3.2 Billion dollars! Since Apple bought Beats from Dr. Dre it could make him the first billionaire rapper. Also buying Beats headphone is not about the headphone apparently. I just think the deal is outrageous. I hope this deal will work with Apple Because they really need it.
I found the story interesting Because why would Apple buy Beats for that much. I know Beats are good but for 3.2 Billion dollars! Since Apple bought Beats from Dr. Dre it could make him the first billionaire rapper. Also buying Beats headphone is not about the headphone apparently. I just think the deal is outrageous. I hope this deal will work with Apple Because they really need it.
Train Selfie ‘Photographer’ May Cash In Big§ion=1206840
A young man was on vacation in Peru, when he took a selfie of what he thought was a slow moving train. But soon finds the conductor kicking him in the neck to get him out of the way. The great kick has lead him to great success. The video was watched over 24 million times.
I find this interesting because i go on youtube a lot. And i have seen this video once or twice, but only when it just came on youtube. I also found this interesting because the filmer doesn't know how much money he will get. Youtube has this thing that they display ads and some of the profit on the ads of the video, some of the money would go to the publisher. Frank doesn't know how much money he will get. But he know he will get money big time.
LeBron James Samsung app
Samsung is releasing a new app so people can follow Miami Heat player Lebron James. They get an inside look of the heat and Lebron. Its not just on the court but its everywhere. It makes it so that you can know Lebron more. Especially this app will be popular because they are in the playoffs. Lebron has many fans and will have more. The users can track his life. Basically you can also see all of his tweets and photos.
I picked this story because Lebron is big in the NBA. I follow the NBA and I wish I could get this But I dont have a samsung. Also its the NBA playoffs.
I picked this story because Lebron is big in the NBA. I follow the NBA and I wish I could get this But I dont have a samsung. Also its the NBA playoffs.
Nintendo Apologizes for Same-Sex Relationship Oversight
I picked the CNN article covering Nintendo’s apology to gamers about not including same-sex relationships in their new game, “Tomodachi Life.” This was offensive because it is a life simulation game and one of the main features of it is the relationship system. Tye Marini is a Nintendo fanatic and was excited to hear that Tomodachi Life, which was originally only available in Japan, was coming to North America. He was disappointed when he realized that his in game avatar, or mii, was only allowed to be romantically involved with characters of the opposite sex as opposed to his real life fiance. Marini’s campaign has gained popularity over time on facebook and twitter where gamers are asking for Nintendo to reconsider. Nintendo has since stated that the game is too late in development to change anything but that they will consider having this feature in any possible future installments. Marini will not boycott the game as he says that it will cause more harm than good.
I chose this story because I am quite a big Nintendo fan myself and I have heard of this story before. I was also interested in how the community would react to a mistake like this and was surprised to find that they took it very well.
If you want to read more about this, visit
I chose this story because I am quite a big Nintendo fan myself and I have heard of this story before. I was also interested in how the community would react to a mistake like this and was surprised to find that they took it very well.
If you want to read more about this, visit
Wearable Tech for Kids from Leapfrog
I thought the article I read was very interesting. The article was on LeapFrog coming out with new wearable educational-Oriented tablet wristbands. Kids can play up to 50 different games. It will sell fo $40. You can unlock virtual pets and new games. The games it will have are games to help kids to be active and learn. The wristband will be connected to an app which allows only the parents to view. Parents can choose which games their kids play and can see the new games they unlock.
I did this article because when I was little I had a leapfrog. I think leapfrog made a good decision on creating this because kids will see parents wearing samsung smart watches and want one. The wristband looks like a smart watch so the kids will like it. Kid Businesses are doing a lot to up their sales and I think this one will give them a run for their money.
I found this article on
I did this article because when I was little I had a leapfrog. I think leapfrog made a good decision on creating this because kids will see parents wearing samsung smart watches and want one. The wristband looks like a smart watch so the kids will like it. Kid Businesses are doing a lot to up their sales and I think this one will give them a run for their money.
I found this article on
What Happens To Your Snapchats
When you open your Snapchat, you are only allowed to see it for a few seconds, and then it is supposed to delete. But security expert Nico Sell says that the Snapchats are still being held on a server. Since you can’t keep pictures from Snapchat, some users will screenshot it or use a different app to keep the pictures. If your picture is screenshooted, the user would get a notification. The Federal Trade Commission has accused Snapchat of also getting users private information when they put in their number to find other friends on
I choose this article because a lot of people are on social media. Since Snapchat is used by a lot of people, I wanted to see how much actual privacy Snapchat gave them. I also found this article interesting because many people have saved Snapchat pictures and I wanted to know who people knew that someone had screenshooted their picture.
I found this article on ABC News
I choose this article because a lot of people are on social media. Since Snapchat is used by a lot of people, I wanted to see how much actual privacy Snapchat gave them. I also found this article interesting because many people have saved Snapchat pictures and I wanted to know who people knew that someone had screenshooted their picture.
I found this article on ABC News
Nintnedo Apologizes for Game's Same-Sex Slight
This was an interesting article about Nintendo’s new game, “Tomodachi Life”, and the feedback fans gave to the release. The game is all about your character flirting, going on dates, getting married, and having children. However, your personal avatar, or “Mii” (pronounced “me”) cannot marry those of the same gender. This caused a problem because Nintendo is excluding a large audience of potential players that may not buy the game due to the inability to marry those they are attracted to. The game is being released next month, and is already too late in the process of making a game to be changed that drastically. This said drastic change is far too large for a single update, and nearly impossible to split over multiple, smaller updates for the game.
Several gamers worked together to create some way Nintendo could listen to their protests. Thus, #Miiquality was born. It was started on Twitter and Facebook, and is made up of many gamers pleading for a change. "By excluding same-sex relationships in a game that's focused around relationships like this one, they're really excluding a lot of people," Marini told CNN affiliate KTVK. Games like Sims have included same-sex relationships for a very long time, and while this is a large step for Nintendo, they would do well to learn from several other life simulation games that are doing well all over the world.
This story was particularly fascinating to me because I am quite interested in all sorts of games that Nintendo comes out with. I used to play them a lot more, but cute little games like this still win my sympathy. These sorts of games Nintendo comes out with are just the sort of games I loved as a kid; they seem to have no real point, just a lot of quick and easy enjoyment.
See the article yourself at the original article. Or, you can look at other stories like this at the CNN page. If the game itself sounds interesting to you, you can look at it right here, on the official page. This game is also available on the Nintendo eShop, an online shop only available on the 3Ds and 2DS and full of downloadable content. Enjoy!
Several gamers worked together to create some way Nintendo could listen to their protests. Thus, #Miiquality was born. It was started on Twitter and Facebook, and is made up of many gamers pleading for a change. "By excluding same-sex relationships in a game that's focused around relationships like this one, they're really excluding a lot of people," Marini told CNN affiliate KTVK. Games like Sims have included same-sex relationships for a very long time, and while this is a large step for Nintendo, they would do well to learn from several other life simulation games that are doing well all over the world.
This story was particularly fascinating to me because I am quite interested in all sorts of games that Nintendo comes out with. I used to play them a lot more, but cute little games like this still win my sympathy. These sorts of games Nintendo comes out with are just the sort of games I loved as a kid; they seem to have no real point, just a lot of quick and easy enjoyment.
See the article yourself at the original article. Or, you can look at other stories like this at the CNN page. If the game itself sounds interesting to you, you can look at it right here, on the official page. This game is also available on the Nintendo eShop, an online shop only available on the 3Ds and 2DS and full of downloadable content. Enjoy!
Apple Aims to Buy Beats Electronics
This article was about how Apple may be closing in on a deal to buy Beats Electronics for $4.2 billion. If apple were to complete this deal, it would be their biggest acquisition ever (Next highest at only $400 million). Apple definitely will have enough money to buy Beats Electronics, but the question is whether it will be worth it. Beats headphones are far superior to the apple earbuds, so this deal could potentially boost their music sales. Apple may want to reconsider buying Beats Electronics, because there are many other categories in Apple that could be improved such as their less than stellar iCloud Services. Buying Beats Electronics would help Apple in their music department, but some people think this money could be better spent.
I found this story interesting, because want Beats Headphones. I also really enjoy listening to music. I hear Beats Headphones are great quality, but I’m afraid Apple may ruin Beats Headphones. Maybe in the future, an Iphone or IPod could come with some Beats earbuds.
I found this story on the CNN website at:
America Has Destroyed A Virtual Denmark World
One of the most popular games this year is Minecraft, a fantasy game where players will design and create their own imaginary worlds using 3-D blocks. They can choose between creative mode, (Where they can create anything they could possibly imagine) or survival mode (Where players start with nothing and have to find their own supplies to live). When Denmark created a world that looked a lot like the country to teach kids about it’s geography, Americans hacked in, destroyed everything, and put up virtual American flags. Minecraft has lava, flint and steel (to make fire) and tnt all of which could have been used in the process.
While this may appear as a threat, Americans think this is humourous. On an app called iFunny, people look at funny photos. When they see something they think is cool they “LIKE”. Hitting a “LIKE” is similar to a vote. The top 20 photos every few hours will be “Featured”. Being “Featured” will promise that the photos will be seen by more people, get more likes, and become more popular. A few days ago I was scrolling through the featured when I saw a picture of what Americans did to the Denmark world with a caption of what they did. Americans found this hilarious and the photo got thousands of likes.
I found this story interesting because my brother plays Minecraft and tries to teach me how to play. It is a fun game that my brother plays constantly. When I play with him, we build houses, roller coasters, or explore. We never really destroy things especially not other people’s creations!
I wrote this using at:
And using my common knowledge of Minecraft and iFunny
While this may appear as a threat, Americans think this is humourous. On an app called iFunny, people look at funny photos. When they see something they think is cool they “LIKE”. Hitting a “LIKE” is similar to a vote. The top 20 photos every few hours will be “Featured”. Being “Featured” will promise that the photos will be seen by more people, get more likes, and become more popular. A few days ago I was scrolling through the featured when I saw a picture of what Americans did to the Denmark world with a caption of what they did. Americans found this hilarious and the photo got thousands of likes.
I found this story interesting because my brother plays Minecraft and tries to teach me how to play. It is a fun game that my brother plays constantly. When I play with him, we build houses, roller coasters, or explore. We never really destroy things especially not other people’s creations!
I wrote this using at:
And using my common knowledge of Minecraft and iFunny
New Invention Might Help the Blind Read
The FingerReader, developed by MIT, may allow people who are blind read. This device uses a camera to detect text, and is then read aloud by the computer in the device. This ring also can tell the end of a line, and if you go off the line. If that happens it will buzz to let you know. It is very helpful because there are only a few books that are either braille, audio, or large print. This device might also be able to translate a language that is unknown to someone to a language that they do know. Though this could be very helpful, we don’t know if this will ever be available on the market for purchase.
I found this interesting because this invention may be very helpful and give people who have never been able to read, the ability to read. Also, I think it might open a whole new door for inventions that help people who are disabled. Maybe one day people who were blinded can actually see again.
You read more about this new invention here.
I found this interesting because this invention may be very helpful and give people who have never been able to read, the ability to read. Also, I think it might open a whole new door for inventions that help people who are disabled. Maybe one day people who were blinded can actually see again.
You read more about this new invention here.
Will Apple buy the Beats?
When I first heard about the story that Apple was going to buy the Beats I was surprised. I think that Apple should buy the Beats because it will make the Company better and the Stocks will go up. But Pandora and Skull candy will be in trouble if apple buys Beats.
I choose this story because I really like the two companies a lot and it would be interesting if two of my favorite companies are together.
You can visit this website at-
I choose this story because I really like the two companies a lot and it would be interesting if two of my favorite companies are together.
You can visit this website at-
The Drinkable Book
This book provides water that is safe to drink.
This book has pages that your can tear out and use as a filter to drink water. The pages are coated with silver nanoparticles, that kill 99.9% of bacteria, make it healthier than other water. There is two filters on a page, and each filter can be used for about 30 days worth of clean water. That means that each book is about 4 years worth of clean water! The book costs only pennies to produce, making it the cheapest water filter by far of 2014. They are doing field runs now, and hope for it to be released by 2015. Their next field run is Haiti, educating, teaching and helping people learn about safe water. Their goal is to have less people die from contaminated water.
I choose this story because I feel it is really cool and will be revolutionary, changing the era of drinking water. If you would like to learn more, check out their web site at:
To see more about this story see:
This book has pages that your can tear out and use as a filter to drink water. The pages are coated with silver nanoparticles, that kill 99.9% of bacteria, make it healthier than other water. There is two filters on a page, and each filter can be used for about 30 days worth of clean water. That means that each book is about 4 years worth of clean water! The book costs only pennies to produce, making it the cheapest water filter by far of 2014. They are doing field runs now, and hope for it to be released by 2015. Their next field run is Haiti, educating, teaching and helping people learn about safe water. Their goal is to have less people die from contaminated water.
I choose this story because I feel it is really cool and will be revolutionary, changing the era of drinking water. If you would like to learn more, check out their web site at:
To see more about this story see:
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This is what it looks like |
The Drinkable Book Provides Safe Drinking Water
One of the biggest problems in the world is getting safe drinkable water. The charity organization called Water is Life, dedicates their time to solve this problem. Their latest project called the drinkable book, contains tear-out pages with safety tips written in various languages. Each book comes in a 3D printed box, which converts to a filtration tray. When you tear out a page and put it into the tray, you can use it to filter water. Each page is impregnated with silver nanoparticles which give the paper its orange color but they don’t work like a normal filter. Rather than providing a barrier, they kill the bacteria as they go through the paper. The paper kills over 99.9 percent of harmful bacteria. Each page has 2 filters and each filter can be used to treat around 100 liters of water. Each book can last for up to 4 years depending on how much its used.
I chose to use this story because when I was scrolling through all the articles, this article grabbed my attention. I thought that it was interesting how they made a water filter in the form of a book. It was interesting to read about how the filter works and how they made the filter.
I found this story on the C/net website at,
I chose to use this story because when I was scrolling through all the articles, this article grabbed my attention. I thought that it was interesting how they made a water filter in the form of a book. It was interesting to read about how the filter works and how they made the filter.
I found this story on the C/net website at,
The Drinkable book
The Drinkable book is made for the people who have contaminated and dirty unsafe water. On each of the pages in the book are water safety tips in various languages. Each book comes packaged in a 3D printed box, Which converts into a filtration tray. When you tear out one of the pages and slip it into the tray you can use it to filter water. Each page is coated with silver nanoparticles, as you pour the water over the paper it kills the bacteria, the water comes out That is perfectly safe to drink. I found this story interesting because i think its a really cool idea and helpful. Its very helpful Because there are a lot of people suffering from diseases do to drinking unsafe water. Also its cool Because its a brilliant and creative idea! { To read more about this story visit this website below}
DEKA Star Wars Prosthetic Arm
T he DEKA “Star wars” bionic arm has been approved by the FDA. It is the first prosthetic arm that allows you to do things such as zip up a coat or handle an egg. The arm is nicknamed “Luke”. After 8 years of research, the arm can be released. Although, the arm cannot be fitted on the elbow or wrist. 90% of the participants were able to perform tasks they weren’t able to before the DEKA bionic arm. It is a revolutionary invention in modern day prosthetics.
I chose this article because it was helpful and can effect the lives of thousands of people and make them less dependent on others for help.
Virtual Soda Drinker
The article about a soda drinker app was very interesting. The article was about someone who developed an app were you drink soda. The app is like a substitute to drinking soda. In the game you walk around a game world and drink soda. The graphics may be bad but the game is going to be put on X Box soon.
I choose this article because I like soda. Also because I think that simple games are fun to play. I also like the idea of viteul soda it sounds very interesting and new.
Found at CNN
I choose this article because I like soda. Also because I think that simple games are fun to play. I also like the idea of viteul soda it sounds very interesting and new
Found at CNN
Star Wars prosthetic arm
The new FDA approved prosthetic is going to change the lives of people with prosthetics. The people who use it send brain waves to the prosthetic to control it. It is being created by Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway. The codename of the prosthetic is called Luke. It is called that because of Luke Skywalker. They chose that because his arm was amputated by Darth Vader.
This story is interesting because I know a man who was crushed by a car in Afghanistan. Since then he has had to use different prosthetics and now he can use better ones.
For further information about this go to
This story is interesting because I know a man who was crushed by a car in Afghanistan. Since then he has had to use different prosthetics and now he can use better ones.
For further information about this go to
Dr Dre With Beats and Apple
Dr Dre is in for a massive windfall because apple bought beats. Dr Dre is the first billionaire hip hop rapper the is. He was the founder of beats along with Jimmy Iovine which is his music producer. The said that he would have to pay a third of his take from apple for the state and local taxes.
I liked this article because I have beats and I like the rapper Dr Dre. Also I think that apple might make the headphones better.
I found this at
I liked this article because I have beats and I like the rapper Dr Dre. Also I think that apple might make the headphones better.
I found this at
Niwa's auto plant growing machine
This story was about a machine that basically grows plants for you. I thought it was a pretty cool thing because when I try to grow plants they reach little big and stop growing. plus this machine can go in your house and its really easy to grow them you can use your phone to grow them just click a button to control the lights and temperature. The app helps you understand what the cycles. You can grow a variety of choices like juicy strawberry and grapes. The machine automatically waters the plants for you so you dont have to remember. even though the machine doesn't do everything for you cause all the little things it needs make it easy to do. this machine makes growing plants fun and easy.
I picked this story because i thought it was cool that we don't have to do all that hard work anymore to get fresh picked healthy fruits and vegetables. also I thought it was cool because you can control it anywhere you are even at work.
for further information i got this link from:
I picked this story because i thought it was cool that we don't have to do all that hard work anymore to get fresh picked healthy fruits and vegetables. also I thought it was cool because you can control it anywhere you are even at work.
for further information i got this link from:
Xbox selling for $399
On June 19 you can get a Xbox one for $399 from Microsoft. Ever since the Xbox one went on sale last november it was $499. You don't have to get it from a certain store, this is in all markets. You also won't need a live gold subscription for Xbox one or Xbox 360.
I picked this because i like to play Xbox 360. Xbox is a very popular game console. I like that they are doing this lowering the price by $100.
To red the whole story you can go to
Five Ways To Break Your Kids Screen & Your’s To
The people said that they were going to lie down and just sleep until the snow came so they could turn into a popsicle. He had his 15 year old daughter with him and one of them had to act like the adult. It tell you how to get outside and go some way. They was this one girl that was going someway and there were two other girls waiting for the bus and they had their phone. The girl felt alone. When she got to the place she had dinner with her boyfriend and he was on his phone. At the near the end it says go to a camp ground and have fun. Don’t play on all you tech stuff. It said you can go play games outside with friends too.
I chose this story because it helped me not play on my ipod that much. I want to know how to stop playing on my ipod. They help people because you need energy for the next day or if you have to play a sport tomorrow it will help if you get some energy out for tomorrow.
I chose this story because it helped me not play on my ipod that much. I want to know how to stop playing on my ipod. They help people because you need energy for the next day or if you have to play a sport tomorrow it will help if you get some energy out for tomorrow.
To read more about the story
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