Monday, October 6, 2014

The New High Tech Skateboard

This story is about a skateboard that produces energy to charge your phone. How does it work? When you ride this skateboard it collects energy, for however long you ride that is how long you could charge your phone. This is very convenient  because if your power goes out you can ride your skateboard you will be able to have a charged phone.
 People might say why do you want a charger on a skateboard ??? If you are lost go to the nearest park or something and charge it.If your phone dies while you are using your skateboard you could just run around and put your phone in the charger while you run around. I really like this skateboard and I can’t wait until I can buy it!!!!!!


  1. wow thats awesome Heaven I think that will be awesome to have for teens or kids because of how fun skateboarding already is. Now it has a reason too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your so cool heaven i want to be just like you!

    3. the video link was awesome I think u should definitely get one.

    4. i am going to try!!!!!


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