Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mechanical Noodle Chefs

 Cuin, a chinese restaurateur in Beijing has invented a robot chef that slices noodles. In 2006 he thought of it, while working at his restaurant, in a few months his thoughts became reality. They are about 2,000 US dollars, robots are much cheaper than human chefs, and but they slice just as good.They work with the same principle as windshield wipers, with up and down movements. Chef Cui says another reason he invented it, was because no one really wants don't want to slice noodles for a living.The job is very exhausting, but the robot does this job without fail. The noodles taste good, and they look great.

To read more about this story click the tab below!


bending iPhone 6+

There have been complaints about the iPhone 6+ bending in a persons pocket. People are questioning if Apple should replace any iPhones that bend. Apple is saying that it depends on the phone plan you have weather or not you get a replacement. people are trying to bend the iPhone 6+ but it seems to only be bendable in peoples pockets. There have been videos of people bending them. I think that if any iPhones bend Apple should replace them because it is not the people’s fault that the phone bends.
If you want to learn more about this story, go to this link.


iPhone 6 plus bendable

This week 9 people complained  about the iphone  being  bent when they took it out of their pockets. The iPhone 6 Plus started to bend at the force of 90 pounds and it came apart at 110 pounds. Do not leave these phones in your pocket for longer than an hour . Wearing skinny jeans will bend the phone also. So if you are skinny jean crazy the iphone 6 is not a good phone for you.


The Future of Dining

So apparently in some restaurants in China they are replacing chefs with robots. I mean robots, seriously. I have infinite ways to describe the cons for this idea. First of all it would definitely affect peoples jobs. All the chefs are getting replaced so they would have to find a new jobs. It would also probably spread around the world. There is also a new dining feature called Ziosk. This electronic menu is now replacing the traditional menu. These will definitely change the future of dining. In my opinion, I think the robot chef is a very bad idea but the electronic menu will probably expand throughout the world.  

Apple Is Accused Of Bent i Phones!

People around the globe have said their I phone bent and abc has proved that it is very unlikely that happened.There has been many tests by other people and it took an extreme amount of force to bend the slightest bit. I really think that people should stop accessing over the new technology there is always going to be an upgrade after that.

To read more click on this link down below


By John Luzzi

Apple has a fix for that faulty iOS 8 updat

Apple has made the new iPhone 6 and the update for Ios 8 has caused trouble. The updated killed some users cell phones service. It also did not let people use touch ID. Apple has found a resolution which they made a website to get your phone running again. It shows you step by step to fix your phone. I read this article because I heard that there were problems with the iPhone 6. I also see so many people complaining about the iPhone 6. To find more information click the link below.


iPhone Drop Test Carnage

At some point in your life you’re going to drop your phone.But the question is what would happen if you dropped an iPhone?This was tested by a man named Taras Maksimuk. He dropped all versions of the iPhone through iPhone 2g too iPhone 6+.He dropped each phone twice one on a side angle , and one on a screen angle.It turns out that every screen drop cracked the screen on every version.This test was important to iPhone users because know they know how durable the iPhone really is.
In my opinion i thought this test was very helpful because now i know to get a durable and cheap iPhone case.Samsung users were very happy about this test, but iPhone users were not so happy because of seeing  completely cracked iPhones.

 If you would like to read more about this story and want to watch the video go to this link.

Is the I phone 6 plus bendable

Is the I Phone Plus Bendable?  People have been complaining to apple that their Phones being indeed bent.  They say that their phones are bent after having the phone in their pocket at hours at a time.  A reporter from The Next Web has stated a chat with an apple support rep.  The reporter asks “So does a bent enclosure occurring during normal use fit under the warranty?”  This is what the support rep responds.  “That is 100 percent up to the genius you speak with at the store.there is a  test called the Visual Mechanical Inspection that the device will have to pass.  If it is within the guidelines,they will be able to cover it.  If not, the replacement will be a paid one.  So be careful with your 6 plus or it could get bent.

The reason I chose this is because i'm getting a new phone soon so I thought it would be cool to see the new phones.  So when I saw this it looked pretty cool have you ever seen a bent phone?  I also did this because my dad has an I Phone 6 Plus so i wanna see if his bent.

If you wanna learn more go to https://www.yahoo.com/tech/will-apple-replace-your-bent-iphone-6-plus-it-depends-98397072209.html

Go Pros new camera

Today I found out about the new Go Pro Camera it is really cool you just strap it on and it video tapes on your head so you can see it in first person view the cost go`s from $130-$500 and it has a protective case around the camera so it does not brake. I like this Go Pro camera because it shows everybody what you did in your point of view
If you would like to see this camera in action please go to this website

Monday, October 6, 2014

Does The iphone Six Plus Bend?

People have been complaining that their iphone 6 plus bends. People been complaining that when they there phone in their pockets, and when they took it out their phone was bend is when they put the phone in the pocket it bend. carry a purse or carry it in your hand. Some people have been posting youtube videos of them bending the iphone six thats a waste of money! Its only a waste of money if you bend it yourself. why should apple make the phone so skinny?

 Click the link the link to find out more! http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/25/technology/mobile/iphone-bend/index.html


    I picked the iPhone 6+ story because it is interesting to me that a huge company like Apple could make a mistake so big. I have an iPhone 5c, and it works perfectly all the time, so I was shocked to see that the 6+ was bending in people’s pockets.  Lots of people are referring to this as Bendgate. Blackberry has also come out with the passport phone. It is almost a square! Blackberry says that you can’t even try to bend their product. Apple, on the other hand, is not happy about the fault in their product. Videos posted show people’s bent phones, and even someone bending their phone by hand! This is not good for Apple’s reputation. These phones are still in working order in their bent state, but would you want a bent cell phone? https://www.yahoo.com/tech/?ref=news

the iPhone 6 and 6+ bends?

Could the iPhone 6 and 6+ bend in your pocket? iPhone 6+ users have started complaining that the iPhone 6+ isn’t so durable after all. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ are made of aluminum so they aren’t as durable as the iPhone 5s and 5c. However, the iphone 6 isn’t as likely to bend as the iphone 6+ because it’s smaller. There has been less complaints for the iphone 6 then the iphone 6+, but if you wear super tight pant there's a chance you could even bend your iphone 6. to fix the problem of the iphone’s bending apple is making a . Special type of pants that have an easy to reach pocket on the side of the thigh so men won’t have to put it in their front pocket. So if you are planning on making an investment on the new iPhones then beware of this before you make your move!

Learn more about it-




Apples Bent IPhone ??

Apples new IPhone 6 and 6+ has come out and customers are already complaining. Apple has had 9 complaints on the new IPhone 6 and 6+. They say that it bends when it is in your pocket . I watched a person bend their IPhone 6 on purpose to show that it can be bent .Also customers are complaining that the new IOS 8 is causing problems . Like one customer says that ever since she downloading the IOS 8 her volume and sound on videos had not been working .Apple says that they are working on the IOS 8.0.2 and that it will fix the IOS 8 problems and add new details . They say that when it is done they will release it as soon as possible .

I choose this story because I think that it is important to know what the newest and biggest IPhone the biggest problem it has. .Apple has had many problems but I never Heard of a bent IPhone . If you want to read more go to http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/apple-iphone-bendgate-company-people-complained-bent-devices/story?id=25760708

iPhone 6 reservations in China reach 2 million in 6 hours

Chinese carriers and retail outlets took in 2 million reservations for the new iPhone 6 handsets in just the first six hours that it was out and Chinese consumers aren't going the cheapest route. Most of the reservations are for the 64GB iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models, which sell for 6,088 yuan ($991) and 6,888 yuan ($1,121), respectively. Following regulatory approval of the phones by the Chinese government, Apple announced Tuesday that the iPhone 6 will go on sale there on October 17. Available in gold, silver, or gray, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus will come with 16GB, 64GB and 128GB of built-in storage. Both models will be sold via Apple's online store and by reservation from Apple retail outlets. The phones will also be sold by China's three major carriers -- China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom -- as well as through Apple authorized resellers. The new iPhones launched in the US and other countries on September 19, but China was late to the launch party due to regulatory delays. The country's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology needed to approve the new iPhones for network access before retailers could start offering them. The MIIT granted the necessary regulatory approval earlier this week, as confirmed by Apple on Tuesday.
I would some day like to get an iPhone 6 that’s why I chose this story. But, my parents said I can’t get an iPhone unless I pay for it. The only one in my family(mom,dad,sister casey,and me) that has an iPhone is my mom and my sis Casey has been begging for an iPhone since summer because all of her friends has iPhones and she doesn’t she has a slide phone like I do and I said it’s not that bad but she said yes it is in High School having this phone. I’m glad that I even have a phone, but some day I would like to have an iPhone,but I’m glad I have a phone to text because my dad has a flip-phone so I’m lucky. Hopefully in the future I would like to get an iPhone!

I/O pants

I found an interesting story. Anand Venkatrao started a denim company, in Austin Texas, to fit mens cell phones in a functional pocket on the side of the pant. I/O Denim is starting. The pocket is deep, and will fit about a 4.5 screen. I think it is a very weird idea.


Robotic Cheerleaders take the Ball

        This is a great story about Robotic Cheerleaders. They are as tall as a two-litre bottle (36cm) and were made in Japanese, Murata. There are ten of these robots that roll on a ball and have sensors to keep synchronized and to keep upright without bumping into eachother. They also have a charger that lasts an hour and arms that move and in balls that have changing color LED lights. The reason I picked this article is because I found the cheerleaders cute and personally the video did me in.


The CubeStormer 3

This new robot aka the CubeStormer 3 has now set the new fastest time to solve a 3x3x3 rubik's cube. The official time it took the machine to solve it was 3.253 seconds surpassing its own robot predecessor. The fastest solve by a human being is by Mats Valk at a time of 5.55 seconds. This means the robot was a whole 2.297 seconds faster. This solve was incredibly fast and I for one hope to see a faster one soon. (Note that this robot was also made out of legos.)

this is the link to the page on cnet on which is where my information was found http://www.cnet.com/news/lego-robot-sets-new-rubiks-cube-world-record/

Bendable iphone 6

I just read a story about the bendable iphone 6 plus
. People are saying that the iphone 6 plus is bending in their pockets. . Is that interesting or what! I never knew that phones were bendable. Not everyone is able to bend the iphone but some are. People are worrying about the phone bending. usually people put the phone in there pants pocket and or purse I have not heard anything bad about the phone in a womans purse. since that the Iphone 6 plus is the biggest iphone made it does seem like that big long thin phone would bend. it is bendable because the phone is not thick like the other ones also it is longer when you put it in your pocket. This is not very good.

I found this information on http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/25/technology/mobile/iphone-bend/index.html

FCC Could End its Support to Sports TV Blackout

Sports fans have been trying to watch their local teams play from their TV for free instead of paying to sit inside the game and watch. The blackout rule is if a stadium does not sell out for a given game, then the game can't be shown on broadcast TV. This article got my attention because I think its ridiculous to charge people to watch their own team play. It would be fine to charge money if it was an elimination game or a super bowl game, but people should be able to watch their local teams play or even a not so big game. If you would like to read more about this article click the link below.       

iPhone 6 or 6 Plus? What to Love and Hate

I recently watched a cool video about the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The video showed which of these is better. One thing that is good for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus is they’re bigger than the iPhone 5s. The screen diagonally for the 6 is 4.7 as the iPhone 6 Plus is 5.5, making it hard to fit in your pocket. The iPhone 6 stayed in the pocket better and gave more mobility than the 6 Plus while it was the front. In the back, it was again the iPhone 6 Plus failing to stay in the back pocket. Also, the iPhone 6 fit in a coffee mug, where the iPhone 6 Plus has failed as it was too big. Both of the phones do bend, like the rumor. In my opinion, I’d choose iPhone 6. Also, the iPhone 6 is $100 less than the iPhone 6 Plus, not including a contract. I’d rather get an iPad mini if I were to choose iPhone 6 Plus. Anyways, the iPad mini cost the same as the iPhone 6 Plus without cellular data.

I found this interesting because I was thinking about getting an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. Now I know my decision.

http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/25/technology/mobile/iphone-6-review/index.html?hpt=te_t1 is the link to the video I found.

Harry Potter Alive?

Out of the many reports I have read online, only one caught my whole attention. This article had the title of “'Invisibility cloak' uses lenses to bend light.” Sounds familiar? If you have read the Harry Potter series, this will be the perfect article for you.

A student at Rochester University named Joseph Choi and a professor named John Howell developed this “cloak” by using 4 standard lenses. The lenses are placed at a certain distance from each other so it allows the light to act in specific ways: first focusing it down to a fine point through one lens, then again through the next. This is repeated 3-4 times. The lenses bends the light so that an object behind it is not visible to a person peering through the first lens. It is the first device to leave the background completely undisturbed.

The I/0 denim jeans (ipant)

The I/O Denim jeans' pocket is designed to be nearly invisible, while making it easier to pull your phone out of your pants. But they also help prevent bending because the phone sits on the side of your thigh, not the front or back. Think of them like a marsupial pouch on a kangaroo.Anand Venkatrao(the maker) nearly crashed his car while digging out his iPhone 4 driving around Texas making sales calls. The pants are made in America and patent pending after a successful Kickstarter campaign.

The reason that I picked this story is that it really caught my eye because when I grow up I want to be a FAMOUS FASHION DESIGNER and this is a fashion story and I also LOVE all the apple products.If you want to read more here is a link: http://www.usatoday.com/search/apple%20pants/

Apples Bent IPhone ??

Apples new IPhone 6 and 6+ has come out and customers are already complaining. Apple has had 9 complaints on the new IPhone 6 and 6+. They say that it bends when it is in your pocket . I watched a person bend their IPhone 6 on purpose to show that it can be bent .Also customers are complaining that the new IOS 8 is causing problems . Like one customer says that ever since she downloading the IOS 8 her volume and sound on videos had not been working .Apple says that they are working on the IOS 8.0.2 and that it will fix the IOS 8 problems and add new details . They say that when it is done they will release it as soon as possible .

I choose this story because I think that it is important to know what the newest and biggest IPhone the biggest problem it has. .Apple has had many problems but I never Heard of a bent IPhone . If you want to learn more go to @http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/apple-iphone-bendgate-company-people-complained-bent-devices/story?id=25760708

iPants for iPhones

iPants are a special designed pants for men that hold iPhones in a location that is easy to get to. There is a pocket by the the side of your thigh to hold the phone. I love the fact that the pocket is nearly invisible. These pants prevent your iPhone from bending. I think these pants would be great for a person who owns an iPhone 6 or 6 plus. The pocket’s location is in a space which doesn’t let the phone bend.

I love the idea of iPants. I just wish they’d come out with pants for women. I personally own a iPhone 6 so it would be extremely helpful. I think the topic was interesting not only because of the purpose but also the design.

If you would like to read more visit the U.S.A Today website here

The New High Tech Skateboard

This story is about a skateboard that produces energy to charge your phone. How does it work? When you ride this skateboard it collects energy, for however long you ride that is how long you could charge your phone. This is very convenient  because if your power goes out you can ride your skateboard you will be able to have a charged phone.
 People might say why do you want a charger on a skateboard ??? If you are lost go to the nearest park or something and charge it.If your phone dies while you are using your skateboard you could just run around and put your phone in the charger while you run around. I really like this skateboard and I can’t wait until I can buy it!!!!!!

Samsungs new computer monitor

Samsung is delivering a 27-inch monitor that they claim will provide a more immersive viewing experience, thanks to it being similarly shaped to the human eye. Gamers will be the most likely to put that claim to the test, but everyone else will want to try it out as well. It is designed to dynamically correct blurry images and adjust colors and contrast. Dell is also getting ready to release a 34-inch curved monitor of its own. Samsung’s 27-inch curved monitor is $429.99, which is just barely cheap for a monitor of its size. The Samsung should be far cheaper than its bigger competition. Along with the probable lower price tag, the Samsung should reach curious consumers first. While there's no official release date for Dell, Samsung plans to have its display go on sale starting October 1.

I decided to pick this article because I thought it was very interesting. I really like big computer screens, tablets, and things like that. Once I started to read this article I just wanted to keep reading. I hope that you enjoyed this article as much as I did.

Muslim Player Penalized for Praying

I found this article very interesting. On September 29th, 2014, the Patriots traveled to the Chiefs stadium for Monday night football. Surprisingly the Chiefs won 41-14,but thats not what this article is about. Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah intercepted a pass thrown by Tom Brady and returned it for a touchdown. Husain, a Muslim player, celebrated by falling to his knees in the end zone and praying. He was penalized 15 yards after his celebration, even though the player Tim Tebow, a QB, always celebrated by kneeling on the ground after a touchdown.
I think this is a ridiculous call by the refs and that any player should be allowed to celebrate in any way as long as they are not taunting or threatening another player or a ref. The rule book says that a player is not allowed to fall to the ground in a celebration. I don’t agree. Read more about this at the link below.

 I found this website on the Washingtonpost website at

The World from a Dog’s POV

The story I read was about a new GoPro camera. GoPro has cameras for everyone, now including your dog!  It’s called fetch, a harness designed for dogs. It has a spot to hook in a GoPro camera. You can put the camera on the back or chest of your dog for an entirely new perspective. You can hook in any GoPro hero camera and start recording!

This was really interesting to me and I would love one for my dog!  Being able to see what my dog does and how he sees things would be great.  I hope someday I get to do that. Seeing the perspective of dogs in the video (link below) was really entertaining.

to find out more go to: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/09/27/make-your-dog-a-filmmaker-with-the-gopro-fetch/16201111/

 To see a video about it go to: http://youtu.be/-VBKUMNcmWU

New GoPros

GoPro cameras have been popular for many years now, especially in sports, and sometime this year, the Gopro Hero 4 silver will be released for about 400 USD, the GoPro Hero 4 black edition will be released for around 500 USD, and the GoPro Hero will be released for only 130 USD.

These new cameras will have many improvements from the old models, now, instead of having to get an app to see what you are recording, there is a touch screen on the back of the camera that you can use to see what your GoPro sees. The cameras also claim to record in a better resolution than the previous cameras.

Apple's New Pants

 I watched a video on the new iPants. This article was about the new iPhone 6, and the iPhone 6+. Fashion Designers have created an idea for Apple. These pants are jeans, and have a pocket fit for this phone.

  The pocket can also fit other phones as well, but they were specifically designed for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. There is a pocket placed on the upper part of your knee, not your hip. The opening is facing upwards while sitting down.

 This invention makes it easy to easily reach your phone while sitting down. You can reach your phone easily and quickly. The jeans also look like normal jeans. I think that this was a very clever and simple idea.

 But I don’t like the pants when it comes to standing up. If your walking and the pocket is open, the phone could easily slide out and break. The pocket would face forwards, so if the phone is not placed in the pocket correctly, then it can fall out.

 I think this a great idea. It’s creative and one-of-a-kind. You can get ahold of your phone faster. But it’s not smart to wear these pants taking a walk. Here is the website I found this information from:


Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak Is Real?

A professor of physics at Rochester University and an grad-student have created an 3D visible spectrum cloaking device. This device was made for under $100, using lenses to bend light around the object you want to cloak. The invisibility range is about 15 degrees. And the most amazing thing about it, you can build the cloaking device with only 4 lenses; by yourself!

I was interested in this because I like things that use light and technology.

The Chargeboard

A new brilliant invention was made that lets you charge your phone, while you are skateboarding. When you skateboard, you create energy inside it, and then if you need a break, you can stop by at a park, and you can charge your phone through the built in charger. This skateboard can also play music, so when you are waiting in the park for your phone to charge, you can listen to your favorite music! I find this very convenient because if you need to get somewhere, and your phone is dead, then you can charge your phone while you are getting somewhere! It’s a win win situation!


Your Next Waiter Will Be A Robot

I found a very interesting story about robots in China making and serving food. Armed with smartphones, the robot is a noodle slicer in the restaurant. It runs on the same function as a windshield wiper, swiping back and forth to cut yummy thin noodles. This robot isn’t a weird shell or an odd looking shape, it shares many features with the robots seen on TV, the blinking eyes, the shiny silver body, and the arms that swing back and forth.  I think this story was a great story, but I would personally rather eat human made food. I have never tried robot made food so I wouldn’t be sure, but I would not be very eager to try it either.

The story I found was on Yahoo news

I/O Pants

I/O pants

I found an interesting story. Anand Venkatrao started a denim company, in Austin Texas, to fit mens cell phones in a functional pocket on the side of the pant. I/O Denim is starting. The pocket is deep, and will fit about a 4.5 screen.


Airport Body Scanner

The Body scanner, Alfa 3, will improve many things in any airport. It will decrease wait in line, and will make the process easier. I think this is interesting because I have been in many airport lines and have to wait about 15 to 20 minutes. The process now is you wait in line, and when your turn comes up, you take off all personal belongings and put them in a separate scanner. Next, you go through a human scanner and if you are an adult you have to get your whole body scanned, front, side, and back. These machines scan you with harmful ex-rays that can cause you to get cancer if you take in too much radiation. The reason they have so much security is so no terrorists bomb or harm people on the plane. The NEW technology of the Alfa 3, is that multiple people can walk through a large scanner at the same time, this decreases the amount of time you have to wait in line. This scanner does NOT give off as much radiation if any compared to what airports have now. How this large simple machine works is, you walk by it and say you have an illegal weapon or something as simple a scissors, the alarm sounds, because it senses a different temperature on your body and the computer shows a picture of a person and what they have and where so security can identify what where to look on the person with the weapon.

For more on this story...

Amazons new Fire tablets and e-reader

The seventh generation of the kindle e-reader.  The slimmest kindle yet is the new kindle voyage. It is 6 inches. On the kindle voyage you can add definition above more difficult words if kids are learning how to read. The kindle voyage  is a little bit higher priced at $199. The new kindle e-reader has a thing in settings so that parents can change how long you can read, play games,and watch T.V. shows. It also has a built in case to protected it. Amazon will also replace it if you brake for 2 years. The kindle e-reader is $99.

To read more about the new kindle fire tablets and e-readers go to this site http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/baig/2014/09/17/amazon-unveils-new-kindlevoyage-and-fire-tablets/15789675/

A New Airport Scanner Could Make Going Through Security A Breeze

The article I read for computers is titled “New Airport Scanner could make going through security a breeze.” It was written by Jacopo Prisco and Nick Glass. I found this article on CNN news. It was about a new technology airport security system that does not allow anything like bombs, guns, knives, and swords to get by on the airplane. This system has so far been a delight to a lot of people, although it costs a lot, it is a quarter of a million dollars. They named this machine “Alfa3” and its based on the established technology of “millimeter wave imaging”, which is used in hundreds of scanners currently deployed in airports all over the world. This security object will be a blessing to the world, especially countries that believe that they should always have a gun in their hands.

   To read more about the new airport scanner check out this website below.  http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/tech/innovation/mci-alfa3-scanner/index.html


A Potato Salad Worth a Fortune

Zack “Danger” Brown had a little bit of a joke turn into a fortune and an internet sensation.  Brown put up a kickstarter campaign trying to get money for his first potato salad.  His goal on kickstarter was to get $10.  His final sum, $55,492.  He got enough for his potato salad and a bit more. He received so much popularity that he actually ended up on Good Morning America.  He also is hosting a party in Columbus, Ohio and the whole internet is invited. This is because he promised anyone who pledged 3 dollars a bite of some of the salad.  As you can see, he wants to use this money in a good way.  However, Kickstarter says you can not donate your money directly to charity, but the internet always finds a way.  

To ream more about this Potato Salad, visit the CNN website here:

Friday, October 3, 2014

Google next big thing could be a warp-speed computer

 They keep the computer just over 0 degrees.The fastest computer belongs to china,it can carry about 34 quadrillions.A traditional computer circuits are either on or off,and use binary codes of ones and zeros. A quantum computer uses quantum bits.I think the new warp-speed computer will be an important thing.

You can find this page at 


By Aura

Minecraft was bought by Microsoft.The price was $2.5 billion dollars. WOW!! Minecraft isn’t just any video game.I have Minecraft on my iPod and on my computer.In Minecraft you can either have a lot of stuff and build what ever you want or you can put it so that you have to find your supplies and then build stuff to help you survive. I really like Minecraft. If you beat the Ender Dragon then you beat Minecraft. It is really hard to beat the Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon is a black huge dragon.This is the Ender Dragon.


If you want to find out more information about this then go to


A New Airport Scanner Could Make Going Through Security a Breeze

Imagine if going through an airport security was just a matter of walking through a stretch of walls. No pat downs, no x-rays, no metal detectors and no need to remove any clothing at all. Dr. Naomi Alexander invented this body scanner called the "Alfa3" it's based on the technology of millimeter wave imaging. The Alfa3 does not require you to enter a chamber, you just have to raise your arms and stand still while the machine analyzes your body: it is able, instead, to do its job as you simply walk by. Unlike other scanners The Alfa3 uses a passive technology that can detect objects underneath clothing without revealing any anatomical details. “We see the difference in temperature between the body and objects that aren't part of the body” says Dr. Naomi. Right now each Alpha3 scanner is about  a quarter of a million dollars, but is still getting attention from the police, airports etc.and other places like that.

                        ^^^^^^If you want to learn more about this site go to ^^^^^^

Your Next Waiter Will Be a Robot

Noodle bars in China have been taken over by robots! Not evil robots, but robot chefs. These new high-tech restaurants have robots working and making food without payment. The problem about these robots are they are not allowing work for people that need money and work. People say these robots make noodles faster and better than humans. These robots have a slicer on their arm that cuts noodles like a windshield wiper. These robots cost about 2,000 U.S. dollars.

I chose this story because I like how the technology has changed since 10 years ago, and I hope more of these robots go to America. I would eat a lot of noodles if they did. I hope they can have these everywhere.

I found this story on Yahoo Tech at:

Ebay is Pushing Off PayPal As a Separate Company

 eBay is spinning off PayPal as a separate company. The CEO of the new eBay will be Devin Wenig, who is the president of eBay Marketplaces. The company is also going to have a new president of PayPal, Dan Shulman, until the unit is split, then he will be the CEO of the new PayPal. Carl Icahn, who is an activist investor, have wanted eBay to spin off PayPal and was ready to put it up for a vote of shareholders. Donahoe wanted against the split saying that “eBay is a big contributor to PayPal’s growth and expansion”.  Icahn dropped the fight when eBay appointed David Dorman to the board. Peter Thiel helped found PayPal as an independent company. In 2002, eBay bought PayPal for 1.5 billion dollars, but the total payment grew 26% in the last six months to 203 billion dollars. As consumers start making more online payments, the company is predicted to grow, and they are likely to reach 3.5 billion dollars this year. They may even get 118 billion dollars annually in about four years. I can't believe that they make that much money.

If you want to hear more about this topic, you can visit cnn.com at http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/30/technology/ebay-paypal/index.html


Four men have been accused of hacking into computer networks of the U.S military and Microsoft and stealing more than $100 million worth of software. The article said,”These four men used to train Apache helicopter pilots as well as source code and technical specifications related to the Microsoft Xbox One gaming console and including call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.” The men conspired to “use and sell” the information they stole, federal officials have seized $620,000 from the scheme, the FBI said.

A New Way to go Through Security

Have you ever been so bored while waiting to go through security? Have you ever been tired and just so anxious to go on the plane? Well the Alfa3 can help. Its a device that can automatically detect objects when you walk through the machine. The Alfa3 also can detect objects that are under clothing as well. The machine also detects if there is one person going through security or more. CNN says that the Alfa3 is more like a camera. It detects your body heat. If someone is hiding their body heat would be different and the alarm would go off. Nato then became interested in the device. Dr. Alexandra (the person who invented the Alfa3) got to go to Afghanistan. Dr. Alexandra and her team got to test the machine at an airfield. Dr. Alexandra said there were like 3,000 people there at the airfield to be scanned. Although this device is so amazing it comes to an expensive cost. Just 1 single unit cost over a quarter of a million dollars. Dr. Alexandra sense there is commercial interest out there. Dr. Alexandra says that concerts,sports events, and even the police would be interested in her product.

I think this machine would help and improve in our world. The Alfa3 even could save lives. I love to travel, but I don’t want to have to worry about someone having something illegal on the plane. The Alfa3 can help. Its really cool that the Alfa3 detects objects differently than other security machines. I think this would really help make our world a better place.

If you want to learn more about the story go to:                                                                                    

The New Way for Security at Airports

Could you imagine never having to have a pat-down or walk through a metal scanner at an airport ever again? Neither could I, until I found out about the new Alfa 3. The Alfa 3 is a body scanner that all you have to do to get scanned is walk by a wall. The Alfa 3 scans you by using “thermal imaging”. It detects the difference between objects on your body’s temperature and your body temperature. It can also detect drugs, alcohol, and objects that are not metallic. the Alfa 3 can also see through clothing to detect objects hidden under the clothing. This wonderful invention can scan over 400 people per hour.

I chose to read this story because it drew my attention since I do not like airport lines for security at all. I think that this new technology will help a lot because many people miss their flights because of security. I hope that airports start to buy and install this wonderful technology because it will help a lot.

I found this story on CNN Technology at

The Computer Bug Shellshock

The Internet is Broken
Reports of the internet bug heartbleed and shellshock are growing more dangerous don’t worry though it can only affect electronics if it is only connected to the internet and not the servers,so don’t be scared.This just proves that the internet can be dangerous so be careful and do not hack.

The Internet was Never Meant for This
The internet was meant for banking, business, education, and national defense not for hacking.These things are meant for privacy and the assurance that you are what the internet thinks you are. If you ask me I think that privacy is good and we should get more of that privacy.

Why I picked this article 
I picked this article because I thought it looked interesting and I wanted to know more about this this computer bug shellshock. I was right it was a very interesting article I learned more about the bug then when I started this article. I think you should visit this page.

Visit this page it is awesome. Have Fun!!!!

Microsoft ‘Strikes’ a deal with Minecraft

I thought that a story that Microsoft was trying to buy Minecraft for $2.5 billion is interesting, according to yahoo because Minecraft is one of the most popular game in the United States. Also Microsoft said that they will boost Minecraft Xbox and devices business.  Mojang says that Microsoft is the biggest software maker and that they will join Microsoft even though Microsoft is moving on with other projects. The purchase will be complete late this year. Buying Minecraft is the biggest deal struck for any company. Microsoft will make Minecraft available on lots of devices even with their rivals. Minecraft has sold more than 54 million copies in all of its forms since June.


 this is where I got my information.